

Aimed at midcareer professionals, mid-level educated and a few years of work experience. For marketeers, project managers, social media managers, office managers, finance coordinators and more.

Recruitment via Born4Jobs means access to the best candidates in music, media, entertainment and the creative industry. Our network is extensive and we know what’s happening within the industry. We work fast, with clear rates and flexible solutions; ‘no cure no pay’ or on the basis of exclusivity for a very attractive rate.


+ HBO+ educated
+ 1-8 years of working experience
+ Candidates in the field of marketing, social media, finance, office management, project management and many more.


Do you need extra hands but not sure for how long? Then it can pay off to hire employees on a temporary basis, with flexible conditions.

Born4Jobs works fast and efficient when you need temporary help, also in case of sickness or pregnancy leave. You will receive a weekly invoice and temporary workers will be paid within a week. We ensure correct administration of payment and taxes. During school holidays, attractive discounts apply.


+ MBO+ educated
+ 1+ years of work experience
+ Candidates in finance, office management, project management, facility and more


The flexibility of hiring qualified media staff without any risk. We offer cheap rates and excellent service for payrolling. We take care of payments, employer responsibilities and administration so you are free of all hassle and obligations in case of illness.


+ MBO/HBO/WO educated
+ Highly experienced in their field
+ Candidates in marketing, finance, sales, editorial, communication and more


Hiring freelancers is becoming increasingly popular; experts in their field, loyal, driven but on a flexible basis. Born4Jobs mediates freelance professionals mainly in the music-, entertainment-, media- and creative industry for various assignments.


Born4Jobs works with experienced coaches in various fields, allowing us to offer independent coaching programs for any work-related situation; for example to get your team up and running after reorganization or 1 on 1 coaching for extensive individual support.

Our partners:

+ Merel Rijntjes | Talent & Business Manager (WWW.MERELRIJNTJES.NL)
+ iCoaching | Coaching & counselling (WWW.ICOACHING.NL)
+ Media Movers | Team- & loopbaancoaching (WWW.MEDIA-MOVERS.NL)

Job advertising

Present your vacancy to thousands of young and experienced professionals, without recruitment costs… from € 349 in combination with Alle Mediavacatures !

International advertising is also possible in combination with Musiccareers. We create a kick-ass advertisement and social media campaign that stands out among active and latent job seekers, exactly where you want it.


Need new staff?

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